Family Policy Matters Radio Posts

  Family Policy Matters Radio

Since 1999, our 15-minute weekly radio program, Family Policy Matters features interviews with nationally recognized experts on a wide range of family policy issues. Family Policy Matters airs each week on the following radio stations across North Carolina and can also be streamed on the NC Family website by clicking on the titles below.

Charlotte/Gastonia-WCRU 960 AM /105.7 FM, Sat., 6:00 AM
Charlotte/Harrisburg–WOGR 1540 AM / 88.3 FM, Sat., 3:45 PM
Raleigh/Durham-WDRU 105.7 FM / 106.5 FM / 1030 AM, Sat., 6:00 AM
Fayetteville–WCLN 105.7 FM, Sat., 7:00 AM
Greensboro/Winston Salem–WTRU 830 AM / 97.7 FM / 99.1 FM, Sat., 6:00 AM
Raleigh/Durham-WETC 540 AM, Sun., 3:45 PM
Rocky Mount–WLQC 103.1 FM, Sun., 10:00 PM

Charlotte-WOGR 1540 AM / 88.3 FM, Sat., 3:45 PM
Sanford–WLHC 103.1 FM, Sun., 10:00 PM
Wilmington–WZDG 89.7 FM, Sun., 5:30 AM & 6 PM
Winston-Salem/Piedmont Triad Area–WPIP 880 AM, Sun., 4:15 PM
Winston-Salem–WBFJ 1550 AM, Sat., 5:00 PM
Wake Forest–WFNE 103.5 FM, Sat., 12:15 PM & 11:15 PM

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A Congressman’s Take on COVID-19

In the ever-changing world of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us may be struggling to interpret and understand the facts about this virus and READ MORE

The Silver Lining of Working from Home

Those of us who remain employed during this pandemic may be inding ourselves working from home more than we have ever before. Before COVID-19, READ MORE

Idaho’s Fight For Women

Fights for women’s rights in the face of the transgender movement are becoming more and more common in our nation. From athletic fields to READ MORE

Virtual Protection Amidst Virtual Connection

As we all attempt to stay virtually connected to friends, family, and loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic, we find ourselves online far more READ MORE

Discernment in the Age of Instant News

With the technological boom we have seen in just the past few years, we find ourselves in an age where a seemingly endless amount READ MORE

Detangling the Porn Industry’s Dark Web

Extensive research into the public health harms of pornography use has found that it can be linked to child sexual abuse, violence against women, READ MORE

Spiritual But Not Religious?

Many of us have heard someone say they are “spiritual, but not religious.” This has become a popular identification for people in today’s culture READ MORE

The Fight to Defeat the “Contraceptive Mandate”

Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor won U.S. Supreme Court cases in recent years after they challenged—on religious and moral grounds—the READ MORE

Reversing the “Seamless Garment”

Pro-lifers are often accused of only caring about the abortion issue and not about issues that impact the lives of these babies and mothers READ MORE

A Super Tuesday in North Carolina

North Carolinians went out to vote last Tuesday in the 2020 primary election, dubbed “Super Tuesday” because so many states and delegates are up READ MORE

What Do Americans Think About Paid Family Leave?

The majority of developed countries around the world have some sort of government-financed paid family leave policy. Some countries more liberal than the United READ MORE

Preparing For a Post-Roe World

As more pro-life justices get appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, talk of overturning Roe v. Wade and returning the decision about abortion to READ MORE
Andrew Kern speaks about classical education

A Pursuit Of Truth That Leads To Freedom

We see a wide variety of school choice options nowadays, from private, to homeschool, to public charter, to traditional public schools. Each of these READ MORE

Guidelines For Better Religious Liberty

Since 1993, every January 16 has been declared Religious Freedom Day by Presidential proclamation. During last month’s Religious Freedom Day, the Department of Education READ MORE

Hope After Abortion

Those of us who fight for the sanctity of life know that the most extreme pro-abortion rhetoric often includes “shouting” about one’s abortion, where READ MORE

The Truth About Chemical Abortions

This month marks the 47th year since abortion-on-demand was legalized nationally by Roe v. Wade. For decades, the main method of abortion was surgical, READ MORE